Federal Register Volume 59, No 153 released August 1994 reiterates the need and states the requirements for notification of persons of the presence, location and quantity of Asbestos Containing Material (ACM) at their work site.

The University has completed an extensive asbestos removal process that has removed (ACM) out of many areas that are used by students and most employees.

The University also provides a training program for all custodial and maintenance workers. If additional information is desired, contact Dale Hayden, Safety Director.

The University has implemented an exposure control plan to meet the letter and intent of the OSHA Blood-borne Pathogens Standards. The objective of this plan is three fold:

  • To protect university employees from the health hazards associated with blood-borne pathogens.
  • To provide appropriate treatment and counseling, should an employee be exposed to blood-borne pathogens.
  • At risk employees are trained to handle blood-borne pathogens. If a spill of body fluid is present, secure the spill scene and contact the building custodian for proper cleanup. If custodian is not available, contact the Campus Police, Ext. 555 or 580-332-3875.

To report emergencies, dial 332-3875, 580-559-5555 or Ext. 555 or 911. The 911 number provide access to fire, police, ambulance, and emergency services.