East Central University offers both a major and a minor in Chemistry, a major in Biochemistry, a major in Chemistry for Teacher Certification, and courses needed for those wishing to teach Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Physical Science, or General Science at the public school level. The Department of Physical Sciences also functions as a support and service department for required courses in Biology, Nursing, Environmental Science, and Allied Health Programs.
Pre-Professional Studies
- Medicine
- Engineering
- Pharmacy
- Veterinary Medicine
- Physical Therapy
- Medical Technology
A Quality Program of Study
A quality program of study is made possible through small classes, opportunities for student/professor interaction, and modern, high-quality equipment. The unique situation of having the Robert S. Kerr Environmental Protection Agency Groundwater Research Laboratory located in Ada, Oklahoma, allows additional opportunities for study and research through cooperative agreements and possible student employment while at ECU.
Dept. of Physical Sciences - Chemistry
In compliance with the recommendations of the American Chemical Society for curricula in undergraduate chemical education, the department offers courses in all five major areas of Chemistry: Inorganic, Analytical, Organic, Physical, and Biochemistry. The curriculum prepares students for work in industry, government labs, or graduates schools.
Chemistry Teacher Certification
The Chemistry Teacher Certification degree prepares students who seek teacher certification to teach high school Chemistry. Graduates will need to pass the state examination in Chemistry for the state in which they seek employment.
Recommended for students interested in biochemistry, the pharmaceutical industry, medical and health-related professional careers, or graduate school work in biochemistry.
Students have opportunities for interdisciplinary research under the guidance of a Chemistry faculty mentor and are able to present their work at professional conferences of organizations such as the American Chemical Society (ACS) and Oklahoma Academy of Sciences (OAS). Research opportunities exist in areas such as Biochemistry, Materials Science, Computational Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, and Nanomaterials.

Physical and Environmental Science Center, Room 101
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