MEd Awards 2017-2018

The Master of Education degree at East Central University offers educators and other professionals, in-depth study in several specialization areas. Candidates can choose a new program that prepares them for a job in an education-related field such as Educational Leadership, Secondary Education - Academic Discipline, Special Education or Sports Administration. Candidates can choose a Post Masters Certification in School Superintendent. Each program offers courses based on best practices in the field. Each program is designed to provide a research foundation from which candidates make informed decisions. Candidates graduate from these programs as professional, reflective, innovative leaders.

The Master of Education degree programs that lead to new certification areas is accredited by the State of Oklahoma and by the Specialty Program Associations affiliated with The Council for the Accreditation of Education Preparation (CAEP). Each specialty program is designed to teach specific program standards which are addressed throughout the program of study. In addition to the specific program standards, all advanced degrees leading to certification are aligned with the following CAEP standards:

  1. ECU will ensure that candidates develop a deep understanding of the critical concepts and principles of their discipline and, by completion, are able to use discipline-specific practices flexible to advance the learning of all students toward attainment of college and career-readiness standards.
  2. ECU will ensure that effective partnerships and high-quality clinical practice are central to preparation so that candidates develop the knowledge, skills, and professional dispositions necessary to demonstrate the positive impact on all P-12 students’ learning and development.
  3. ECU will demonstrate the quality of candidates is a continuing and purposeful part of its responsibility from recruitment, at admission, through the progression of courses and clinical experiences, and to decisions that completers are prepared to teach effectively and are recommended for certification.
  4. ECU will demonstrate the impact of its completers on P-12 student learning and development, classroom instruction, and schools, and the satisfaction of its completers with the relevance and effectiveness of their preparation.
  5. ECU maintains a quality assurance system comprised of valid data from multiple measures, including evidence of candidates’ and completers’ positive impact on P-12 student learning and development. The provider supports continuous improvement that is sustained and evidence-based, and that evaluates the effectiveness of its completers. The provider uses the results of inquiry and data collection to establish priorities, enhance program elements and capacity, and test innovations to improve completers’ impact on P-12 student learning and development.

The Master of Education programs at ECU that are related to education but are not restricted to certified teachers are Educational Leadership, Secondary Education - Academic Discipline, Sports Administration, and Special Education. The Educational Leadership Program is aligned with the Educational Leadership Constituent Council (ELCC) Standards. The Secondary Education-Academic Discipline Program is aligned with specific content standards. The Special Education program is aligned with The Council of Exceptional Children (CEC) standards. The Sports Administration Program is aligned with the National Association for Sport and Physical Education standards (NASPE) and the North American Society for Sports Management (NASSM) standards.

A common structure is shared generally within these degree options, all of which lead to the Master of Education degree. The curriculum for each program, however, is designed around specific standards.

MEd Proposed Rotation (pdf)


Online Master of Education Programs

Online MEd Educational Leadership
Designed for working teachers who want to enter into higher-level administrative roles, the program emphasizes a combination of leadership theory and hands-on training that prepares you to become an effective decision-maker in education. Learn more

Online MEd Library Media
Designed for working educators who want to earn a school library media specialist certification, this program helps you develop the skills you need to specialize in your career. Learn more

Online MEd Special Education
The program prepares you to sit for state certification for teaching children with mild/moderate disabilities from preschool through high school and is based on the Council for Exceptional Children (ECE) Initial Professional Standards for Special Educators and Initial Practice-Based Preparation Standards for Special Educators. Learn more

Online MEd Sports Administration
Specifically designed for individuals who want to enter positions of athletic instruction and leadership, this program allows you to move into sports management positions within colleges and universities, as well as professional sports teams. Learn more

Admission to the Master of Education Degree

Unconditional Admission
Unconditional admission may be granted to applicants who meet the following criteria:

  1. Hold a baccalaureate degree from an accredited institution.
  2. Meet one of the following conditions:
    • Have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.50 on all undergraduate coursework to date; or
    • Have a minimum GPA of 2.75 in the last sixty (60) hours of coursework; or
    • Have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.00 on at least nine (9) hours of graduate coursework; or
    • Have a minimum percentile 40% on both verbal and quantitative reasoning score of the GRE.
    • Have a minimum score of four hundred (400) on the MAT
  3. Have submitted acceptable program application documents (references, personal information, personal statement, etc.)

Conditional Admission
Conditional admission may be granted to an applicant who has met the GPA requirement for unconditional admission but has not submitted all other required documentation and/or completed the GRE (if required). The documentation and satisfactory completion of testing (if required) must be completed and processed before the student may enroll in the second semester.

Provisional Admission
Applicants meeting the GPA or testing requirements for unconditional admission may be considered for provisional admission by the program. Students must submit all program documents before admission to the university is granted. No more than nine (9) hours of graduate credit earned while on provisional admission status will count toward a degree. To gain unconditional status, the student must complete a minimum of nine (9) hours approved graduate work with a minimum GPA of 3.00 in all courses taken, meet all other admission criteria, and meet all provisions set by the program.

Concurrent Admission
A senior student who lacks less than a full normal study load has completed a minimum of one hundred (100) credit hours, and meets the GPA requirements, may be permitted to enroll in graduate courses, subject to the study load provisions and semester hour provisions of the school of Graduate Studies.

Admission Process
The applicant must:

  1. Complete an East Central University Application for Admission/Readmission.
  2. Submit the Department of Education Admissions forms
    • Provide transcripts of all work completed (baccalaureate and graduate).
    • Provide academic and professional information.
    • Provide a name, mailing address, and e-mail of two (2) references.
    • Provide response to the personal statement.
  3. Take the GRE, if applicable.

Credit Requirements
The Master of Education degree program requires completion of thirty-two (32) to thirty-six (36) semester hours of applicable work above the baccalaureate degree. Courses which may apply to the MEd program are those 5000 level courses and appropriate graduate level courses transferred from accredited institutions.

Planning the Program
Each student will be assigned a faculty graduate advisor upon entering the program and will be expected to work closely with the advisor to design the plan of study throughout the student’s program.

A thesis or portfolio is required in the Master of Education program at East Central University.

Students selecting a portfolio option should contact their graduate advisor. Students selecting a thesis option should file an application for thesis study, along with a statement of recommendation from the student’s graduate advisor, in the Office of the Dean of the College of Education and Psychology.

Once the student’s application for thesis study has been approved by their specific degree program; a three-member thesis committee will be appointed. The manuscript style will be that prescribed by the thesis committee. The thesis committee shall be responsible for the final approval of the thesis.

Three (3) bound copies of the thesis shall be prepared on good quality paper. Copier reproduction is acceptable. After all, copies have been signed by the members of the thesis committee, single copies shall be submitted to the School of Graduate Studies, to the Linscheid Library, and to the thesis committee chair.

Transfer Work
A maximum of nine (9) semester hours of graduate credit transferred from other colleges or universities may apply, if appropriate, to the program. Graduate students in programs offered through the "Oklahoma Prototype for Institutional Collaboration” may be permitted to apply graduate credits earned from Cameron University in an amount not to exceed fifty (50) percent of the student’s Program of Study. The course(s) must be applicable to the student’s Program of Study. Only grades of “B” or above may be considered for transfer.

Grade Regulations
The grades of A, B, C, D, P, F, I, W, AW, and WF may be assigned to graduate students. The grade mark “P” indicates pass without an exact grade; the grade mark “W” indicates withdrawn; the grade mark “AW” indicates administrative withdrawal; the temporary grade mark “N” indicates the semester grade was not submitted by the instructor by the appropriate deadline. Grade marks have the following grade point values per semester hour: A-4, B-3, C-2, D-1, F-0, and WF-0. Grade marks of “P” and “W” are disregarded with respect to grade points and hours attempted in computing grade average.

An incomplete grade ("I") may be used at the instructor's discretion to indicate that additional work is necessary to complete a course. It is not a substitute for an "F", and no student may be failing a course at the time an "I" grade is awarded. To receive an "I" grade, the student should have satisfactorily completed a substantial portion of the required coursework. For the semester, "I" grades must be changed by the instructor within one (1) year from the end of the semester in which the "I" was assigned or they will remain as a permanent "I" and not contribute to the student's GPA. ("I" grades in EDUC 5691-1 Thesis are exempt from this regulation.)

No more than six (6) semester hours of “C” grade may be counted in the minimum thirty-two (32) semester hours graduate study required for the master’s degree, and the grade average for all graduate courses taken on the degree program must be “B” (3.00) or above. A grade of “B” or better must be made in EDUC 5113 Techniques of Research. Credit with grades of “D” will not satisfy specific degree requirements. Only grades of “P” or “F” will be assigned to workshops.

A student may repeat a course if approved by the advisor. Only the last grade is counted with reference to graduation requirements. No additional credit is allowed for a repeated course.

Degree Options
Students pursuing the Master of Education degree must select one (1) of the following degree options. Such selection shall be made at the time of admission to the graduate program since a change of option may result in the students having completed inapplicable work.

Note:  Pursuant to HB 2747 of 2010 amending HB 2915 of the 2002 Oklahoma Legislative Sessions, amending 70 O.S. 2001, Section 6-122.3, East Central University affirms it has an Alternative Placement Certification candidate support program and is committed to implementing the program in support of an Alternative Certification candidate approved by the Oklahoma State Department of Education (OSDE).