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Educators Speaking At Pre-Service Colloquium At ECU

The final pre-service colloquium of the school year for education students will be conducted Friday and Saturday [MARCH 28-29] by the Center for Advancement of American History at East Central…

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ECU Graduate Receives Major Scholarship

Shiloh Renes, a 2007 graduate of East Central University, has been named the recipient of a $15,000 Merit Scholarship from the Oklahoma City University School of Law for the 2008-09 school year.She…

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ECU Offering 'All About Art' For Area Youngsters

Students in East Central University's Art for Secondary Teachers class and the Ada Arts and Heritage Center will present a series of free art classes for elementary students each Wednesday in…

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ECU Student Exhibiting Work At Murray State College

New works by East Central University senior art major Amber Farnell are on exhibit through April 30 at Murray State College in Tishomingo. The MSC art department is exhibiting the work in the Campus…

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Architectural Drawing Shows Proposed Pedestrian Plaza

An architectural rendering of the proposed pedestrian plaza in front of the Hallie Brown Ford Fine Arts Center on East Main Street shows space that can be used for art fairs, food festivals, student…

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Eighth Chesapeake Scholar Announced At ECU

Ada freshman John Toombs has been named the latest recipient of a Chesapeake Cartography Scholarship at East Central University. He received a $1,000 scholarship funded by Chesapeake Energy…

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Italian Cellist, Pianist Performing Sunday Night At ECU

The Italian duo of cellist Dario Destefano and pianist Maurizio Barbaro will perform the final Piano Series concert of the year on Sunday [MARCH 9] at East Central University.Part of the Scissortal…

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ECU Planning Evening Of Awards And Recognition March 7

An Evening of Awards and Recognition on March 7 [FRIDAY] will honor East Central University's 2008 distinguished alumnus, service, former faculty, philanthropist and family.The dinner, which will…

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