Dana Belcher

Dana Belcher (McGuire) started at ECU as a student in 1983. She graduated with a BS in Mathematics Education in 1987. She worked in the library as a student assistant from 1985-1987, and was employed full-time as the Periodicals Assistant from 1988-1993. After receiving her MLIS from the University of Oklahoma (1996), she was again employed (April 1997) by ECU as the Collection Services Librarian. In July 2005, she was promoted to Assistant Library Director, and in January 2016, Director. She has been active in the Oklahoma Library Association since 1997, serving as chair of the Interlibrary Cooperation Committee for two years, as co-chair of the Vendor Relations Committee since OLA’s Centennial in 2007, and on the Program Committee for conference. She is active in SIGALO (Serials Interest Group for All Libraries in Oklahoma) and OKULS (Oklahoma Union List of Serials), serving as webmaster for both. Dana serves on multiple campus committees, in cluding: Academic Affairs, General Education, Higher Learning Commission and Xitracs Administration, and Resource Allocation. Her passions are service and assessment as they are the driving forces to providing a positive and productive experience to all library users.
Department - Position
- Linscheid Library - Director