Minor in Political Science - 180A

PS 2113 Introduction to Political Science
15 hours other Political Science courses (at least 6 hours of 3000-4000 level courses)

Minimum Total Hours - 18

“Teachers” or “methods” courses do not count in the minor.
Must earn three hours of upper-division work at ECU towards minor to complete minor residency requirement.


Minor in Legal Studies - 550A

LSPS 2153 Introduction to Law
LS 3223 Legal Research and Writing I
LS 3563 Civil Procedure and Litigation
Nine hours Legal Studies courses (3000-4000)

Minimum Total Hours - 18

“Teachers” or “methods” courses do not count in the minor.
Must earn three hours of upper-division work at ECU towards minor to complete minor residency requirement.

The legal studies minor provides students majoring in other degree fields the opportunity to explore law as a discipline at the undergraduate level and study the impact of the law on their area of interest. The legal studies minor is not approved by the American Bar Association and the legal studies minor is not intended to prepare students for paralegal positions. Students who minor in legal studies should not represent themselves as prepared for paralegal employment. The legal studies minor is open to pre-law students and students from any other discipline enrolled at ECU.


Minor in Sociology - 410A

SOC 1113 Introductory Sociology
SOC 2113 Social Problems 
12 Hours other Sociology courses

Minimum Total Hours - 18

“Teachers” or “methods” courses do not count in the minor.
Must earn three hours of upper-division work at ECU towards minor to complete minor residency requirement.