What is counseling?
Counseling is a process where someone asks a professional who is trained in counseling for help with emotional problems. The professional will try to help the person seeking therapy to cope with the problem and to mature and learn more about him or herself. Counseling is usually one session weekly and can last for several weeks depending on the goals set by the therapist and the person seeking therapy, and on the severity of the issue.
Should I see a Counselor?
In the course of a lifetime, most of us feel stressed out, depressed, or anxious. Sometimes a friend or family member can offer help, but there are times when their help is not sufficient and the problems persist. Counseling provides a safe environment for you to explore those issues. Additionally, counseling can provide other resources and information that is helpful to you. Although the college years are exciting, they can also be very stressful. Sometimes students encounter problems that they can't easily resolve. You may want to talk to a therapist if you have been:
Drinking too much alcohol or using drugs
Experiencing a change in your eating habits
Sleeping Differently
Having problems concentrating
Experiencing problems making decisions
Displaying dramatic mood swings
Feeling hopeless or helpless
Exposed to sexual, physical or emotional abuse
Having feelings of anxiety, fear, anger or depression that affect everyday life
Experiencing low self-esteem
Suffering from conflicts in relationships with friends, family or co-workers
Experiencing a traumatic event, like the death of a loved one or divorce
Thinking about suicide
Roommate conflicts
Eating disorders
Why might a student want to make use of counseling services?
Counseling is a safe place to get help from a professional.
Counselors are open-minded, objective helpers.
Counselors try to put you at ease and help you overcome your initial anxiety
Initiating counseling and staying in counseling is voluntary.
Attending counseling doesn't go on your transcript or any other University record.
Counseling is confidential with the exceptions of self-harm, harm to others, child/elderly abuse, as set forth in the ACA Counseling ethical guidelines.
Counseling is free to all students enrolled at East Central University.
What types of services are offered?
Individual counseling
Group counseling
Couple counseling
Crisis intervention
Responding to requests from individuals, campus groups, or departments in need of information, advice or customized programming on timely issues.
Who is eligible for services and what are the fees?
All currently enrolled University students are eligible for counseling services. Services are free of charge.
Is there is a limit to the number of sessions I can attend?
Sessions are limited to 8 to 12 sessions each semester for Fall and Spring semesters and 4 to 6 sessions during Summer Term.
What would I need to do to see a counselor?
Appointments can be made by calling 580-559-5714 or by stopping by the Counseling Center in Room 137B, Memorial Student Union Building. Every effort will be made to arrange an appointment based on counselor availability and your schedule. If you have an emergency, please let the office know so a counselor can meet with you as soon as possible. Counseling sessions are usually 45-50 minutes in length and are typically scheduled at the top of the hour. Every effort will be made to work around class or work schedules.
What are the Counseling Center's office hours?
Office hours are Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. The counseling center is closed for lunch daily from 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m.
What if I have an emergency after hours or holidays?
Contact the University police at 580-559-5555.