Below you will find a list of Undergraduate and Graduate Programs in the ECU Education department. For more information about individual programs, please contact the appropriate program director. For general information about the Professional Education sequence or Field Experiences, please contact Field Experiences coordinator at 580-559-5349.
Undergraduate Degree Programs
Early Childhood Education - Dr. Diana Goodwin (
Elementary Education - Kerry Rhone (
Secondary Certification Programs in the majors (degree in the major, contact appropriate department)
English/Language Arts - Dr. Steven Pedersen (
Mathematics - Dr. Mary Harper (
Chemistry - Dr. Daniel McInnes (
Biology - Dr. Jessica Brumley (
Physics - Dr. Karen Williams (
Social Studies - Dr. Houston Mount (
K-12 Programs
Art Education - Dr. Sarah Engel (
Vocal Music - Dr. Nick Meyers (
Instrumental Music - Dr. Nick Meyers (
Graduate Degree Programs
Leadership (Principal) -Dr. Tom Deighan (
Library Media - Dr. Shelli Sharber (
Sports Administration - Dr. Nick Stowers (interim) (
Special Education - Dr. Darcy Tessman (
School Counseling - Dr. Donna Autrey (
School Psychology - Dr. Catherine Roring (
Certification Options*
School Superintendent - Dr. Jerry Mihelic (
School Psychometrist - Dr. Catherine Roring (
Alternative Certification (Principal) - Dr. Jerry Mihelic (
Special Education Non-Traditional Route to Certification (Boot Camp) - Dr. Darcy Tessman (
Dean, College of Education & Psychology
Dr. Jerry Mihelic - Dean (
Department Chairs
Education - Dr. Shelli Sharber - (
Psychology - Dr. Marc Klippenstine - (
Kinesiology - Dr. Nick Stowers (interim) - (
*Certification options do not lead to a degree, but meet the state requirements for certification. Individuals holding degrees may also seek certification in any of the program areas. Contact Kaelyn Presley for questions about certification at 580-559-5349, or

Dr. Shelli Sharber
Education Department
204A Lanoy Education Building