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Last Name Department - Position Phone Email Building Office
Been, Nicole

Department - Position

  • Facilities Management - Custodian
580-559-5378 nbeen@ecok.edu Facilities Management
Belcher, Dana

Department - Position

  • Linscheid Library - Director
580-559-5564 dbelcher@ecok.edu Linscheid Library 407
Benge, Alexandra

Department - Position

  • College of Health and Sciences - Administrative Assistant to the Dean
580-559-5410 aleben@ecok.edu Physical and Environmental Science Center 101
Bennett, Blake

Department - Position

  • Academic Success Center - Retention Specialist
580-559-5309 blaben@ecok.edu Administration Building 262
Benton, Steve

Department - Position

  • Department of English and Languages - Professor
  • Honors Program - Director University Honors Program
580-559-5877 sbenton@ecok.edu Faust Hall 155
Berman, Nathaniel

Department - Position

  • Department of Performing Arts - Associate Professor of Woodwinds
580-559-5356 nberman@ecok.edu Hallie Brown Ford Fine Arts Center 144
Beyer, Nichole

Department - Position

  • Academic Success Center - Project Coordinator
580-559-5808 nicabey@ecok.edu Administration Building 215
Biles, Caleb

Department - Position

  • Oka' Institute Public Service - GIS Analyst
580-559-5547 callbil@ecok.edu Fentem Hall 201-A
Bishop, Shawna

Department - Position

  • Linscheid Library - Instructional Services Librarian
580-559-5370 sbishop@ecok.edu Linscheid Library 321
Blackboard Help, Help Desk

Department - Position

  • Information Technology - Help Desk
580-559-5884 helpdesk@ecok.edu Danley Hall 101
Blaine, Weston

Department - Position

  • Office of Purchasing - Purchasing Specialist
580-559-5263 wesgbla@ecok.edu Administration Building 164
Boehme, Bobby "Tate"

Department - Position

  • Oka' Institute Public Service - Environmental Specialist
580-559-5522 bboehme@ecok.edu Fentem Hall 204
Bolin, Stacey

Department - Position

  • Harland C. Stonecipher School of Business - Associate Professor and Wilburn L. Smith Center for Entrepreneurship Director
580-559-5596 sbolin@ecok.edu Chickasaw Business & Conference Center 330
Brady, Sheri

Department - Position

  • Office of Financial Aid - Financial Aid Counselor
580-559-5883 sbrady@ecok.edu Administration Building 100
Branscum, Jerry

Department - Position

  • Facilities Management - Construction Superintendent, Facilities Management
580-559-5379 jbranscm@ecok.edu Facilities Management
Brasher, Maddison

Department - Position

  • Harland C. Stonecipher School of Business - Administrative Assistant to the Dean
580-559-5274 madkbra3@ecok.edu CBCC, Office 312
Brendle, Gary

Department - Position

  • Facilities Management - Custodian
580-559-5691 gbrendle@ecok.edu Facilities Management
Briscoe, Moriah

Department - Position

  • Office of Records - Degree Audit Specialist
Brown, Lora

Department - Position

  • Student Leadership Development - Student Leadership Development and Activities Coordinator
580-559-5136 lbrown@ecok.edu Administration Building 102