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An intensive self-study of East Central University is about to get underway as part of the requirements for the institution's reaccreditation process, a rigorous evaluation that ascertains whether a university continues to be able to fulfill its purpose.

Members of the steering committee who will help complete an intensive self-study of East Central University are Amy Ford (first row, from left), Marilyn Schwarz, Dr. Shirley Mixon, Dr. Carlotta Lockmiller, Buffy Lovelis, Robert Castleberry, Dr. Doug Weirick and (middle row) Dr. C.J. Vires, Dr. Joanna Harris-Young, Dr. Brenda Walling, Dr. Teresa Rothrock, Becky Isaacs, Bronson Warren and (back row) Dr. Dan Denny, Holly Sewell, Dr. Rahmona Thompson, Dr. Duane C. Anderson, Dr. Adrianna Lancaster and Dr. Scott Barton. Not shown is Debbie Allen.
Members of the steering committee who will help complete an intensive self-study of East Central University are Amy Ford (first row, from left), Marilyn Schwarz, Dr. Shirley Mixon, Dr. Carlotta Lockmiller, Buffy Lovelis, Robert Castleberry, Dr. Doug Weirick and (middle row) Dr. C.J. Vires, Dr. Joanna Harris-Young, Dr. Brenda Walling, Dr. Teresa Rothrock, Becky Isaacs, Bronson Warren and (back row) Dr. Dan Denny, Holly Sewell, Dr. Rahmona Thompson, Dr. Duane C. Anderson, Dr. Adrianna Lancaster and Dr. Scott Barton. Not shown is Debbie Allen.

Dr. Carlotta Lockmiller, director of institutional effectiveness, has been named the North Central Association self-study coordinator and chair of the steering committee that will conduct the study process.

Dr. Shirley Mixon, director of the Degree Completion Program in Organizational Leadership, is the assistant self-study coordinator.

Individual degree programs at ECU are accredited by specialized councils, but the university as a whole is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission of the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools as a master's degree-granting institution.

"Accreditation is important because it provides public certification of acceptable institutional quality," Lockmiller said. "The process of accreditation gives us an opportunity for critical self-analysis that can help us improve the excellence of our programs and services."

Universities must undergo re-evaluation at least every 10 years to maintain their accreditation.

The study of ECU will involve the entire university community, Lockmiller said. The steering committee and five teams will respond to five HLC criteria in a written report that will document the university's progress the past 10 years and give a complete picture of its strengths and challenges. An accreditation team will have the report in hand when it makes a site visit to ECU in October 2011.

Members of the Steering Committee are Debbie Allen, administrative assistant to the vice president of administration and finance; Dr. Scott Barton, professor of history and dean of the College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences; Robert Castleberry, director of the physical plant; Dr. Dan Denny, assistant professor of human resources; Amy Ford, director of communications and marketing; and Dr. Joanna Harris-Young, chair of the Psychology Department.

Others are Becky Isaacs, bursar; Dr. Adrianna Lancaster, director of Linscheid Library and distance education; Buffy Lovelis, director of alumni relations; Dr. Teresa Rothrock, assistant professor of English and languages; Marilyn Schwarz, director of financial aid; Dr. Rahmona Thompson, professor of biology; Dr. C.J. Vires, associate vice president of sponsored programs and research; Dr. Brenda Walling, chair of the Education Department; Bronson Warren, dean of students; and Dr. Doug Weirick, chair of the Environmental Health Science Department.

Ex officio members are Dr. Duane C. Anderson, provost and vice president for academic affairs, and his administrative assistant, Holly Sewell.

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